Sunday, February 24, 2008

Is our government protecting us or itself?

Ok, so I was going to do a full post on this, but then I realized that my thoughts right now are like really scattered, and I can't really articulate what I was going to say, so I'll let the title of this post speak for like what a whole post should be about.

But, yeah.

"There are no such things as bad days. Just good days and great days"
~Mr Price

Only the greatest Spanish teacher in the world, or one of them at least.

It is funny how we base how we are feeling here and now off of how we have always felt.

Does 18/2+7=14? Too bad.

I am friendly with way too many underclassmen. Or, rather, there are way too many underclassmen who are friendly with me. I guess I'm just that cool. But hanging out with freshmen sort of makes me less cool.

Excuse me, because I have an 8-page Spanish paper to write.

Monday, February 11, 2008

"I got a time of sub-zero!"

So I am loving the weather lately. It's not very nice for biking to school, but it's nice chilly, snowy, windy weather. Almost like a hurricane of snow.

I can't wait for track. I mean, I loved skiing, and I absolutely loved the people, and I love all the team dinners and I love all the driving people to the ski hill and the amazingness of the people who are just like me. Maybe more people are like me than I realize. I just have to get out there and meet them. But anyways, love the ski team and everything that they do and everything that they are.

I never remember ever really hating Valentine's day, but this year seems to be different. I guess it's because so many of my friends hate it too. The ski team has brought semi-mixed feelings for me on the romantic scale. I mean, I don't hate it, but I just want to punch the people who are all like "oooh, I love you" and then look over to you as if to say "isn't this an awesome day?". No, it isn't. At least not for me. Who ever said teenagers know what love is?

But anywayss...I'll stop being a negative person and start looking forward to track more. And life. And the amazingness that is the present. After all, according to the wise words of Shakespeare, "There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so."

Saturday, February 02, 2008


We need to stop fighting and start understanding why we don't need to fight. Wars are useless. If we didn't know the situations of others, and if we weren't so obsessed with things happening that we never see, then we wouldn't even have any motivation to fight.

On another note, I wonder how much money everyone would have if we divided the wealth of the whole world between every citizen of the world.

Not enough.