Monday, November 09, 2009

My friend: “It’s not your fault Mike, you know”

No, it's not, it's 53 percent of Maine's voters' fault. I'm so so angry even though I know it's not my fault. I've begin to wonder why, in fact, I should be this angry when it really doesn't directly affect me (I mean, it does hit close to home because I have two mothers, but they're already married and set in Massachusetts). I feel like, for me, it's not as much the idea that same-sex couples need more rights, but more the idea that people would be so ignorant to hate when they can love. In my mind, the root of almost all the conflicts in this world is due to blind hatred. No matter how people phrase it, if they are against equality (and against same-sex marriage), they are hating people solely because they are different. Why not love people and understand their differences?

My ideas are rooted in the fact that if we want to survive in this world, we must eventually become intertwined in love. If we hate one another, how can we make each other happy? How can we make this world better? Hatred only breeds hatred. Love, no matter what type, breeds happiness.

It is my fault, however, for not knocking on people's doors and explaining to them why a yes on 1 vote would directly hurt these people when it has no effect on them. In my mind, if they don't like it, GET USED TO IT. If they're uncomfortable with what's going on, well they better ask themselves why they are. And hopefully they will soon realize that they are solely acting on human nature and how they were brought up that different is bad. "I don't like gays....I'm a Christian". Well, then, why in fact does your being a christian mean that you don't like gays " pastor told me so…because the bible told me so…because religion told me so". Well then, LISTEN TO YOURSELF FOR ONCE. Can you not figure out what's right and wrong for yourself, or do you have to have a fucking religious leader tell you so? People are so blind and ignorant of their blindness. People should have the right to act how they want without other people's bigoted opinions getting in their way, and the state should recognize that.

Screw it. I'm quitting Bates, going to a seminary school, starting my own New Christian Church and marrying EVERYONE. Or, how about this-we make our own fucking country.

“God Hates Fags”

Well, to start with, I would like to say fuck your thinking (I would say fuck you but you are but a person who has these ideas). What gives you the power to say that God hates fags? So, you may refer me to the bible (which I have other problems with, but this is not the issue). So, you refer me to one of those passages that somehow ambiguously mentions homosexuality in a negative connotation. Based on this passage, (in my mind, you can’t even say that this passage says anything conclusive) homosexuality could be considered a SIN. Why would god hate a PERSON??? Think about your contradicting ideas before you make a sign full of hatred. Just another piece of evidence supporting the ignorance of some people.

My gay friend:

“I don't think the solution is going to come easily any more. There are too many things wrong with this country for complacency. We need to get angry, and we need to tell people that they're wrong. We need to offend people's sensibilities, and make them feel as threatened as I do when someone calls me a fag.”

But that is the opposite of what we want to do, isn’t it? We want to stop the hate. We want to explain calmly to them what is wrong. But, what if we did get angry? What if we did offend people’s sensibilities? They can’t throw any hatred back at us because if they do any more than they are already doing, then they will in fact be blatantly homophobic, which is regarded as unacceptable in the eyes of most people. So maybe we should make people move by making them angry? But this anger will not improve the world.

Also, another conversation that I had with a random person after I posted something on a facebook group’s wall. His sincerity and politeness just showed that you can have hateful people and loving people and you can have homophobic people and accepting people and there is no connection between the two. I made up a name, just in case he somehow found this.

Toby: read I Corinthians 6:9

Me: "Everyone likes to talk about I Corinthians 6:9. Now if we go back to the Vulgate (Latin Bible from around the year 300) we can see what it means. The key words here are "Masculorum concubitores" this means "The bedfellows of men" its talking about prostitutes, but because of ambiguity it might be talking about those who buy them. Whats more interesting is that the male form (as with other langueges) carries the female form too. So the verse is condemning MALE/FEMALE PROSTITUTES and also the MEN/WOMEN who buy them. If someone reads you the verse and it says "Homosexual" or "effeminite" just tell them their bible has been perverted over time and they should learn more about the bible. Personally, I own a copy of the Vulgate and I laugh at christians who say they know the bible. (I went to a baptist school for a little too long.... they created a monster)" -Brian Stevens

It seems to me that the bible teaches people to have respect for others.
Even if Corinthians 6:9 was supposed to mean what some think it says, do you think then that the hundreds of other times respecting others and treating others like you would treat yourself are mentioned should be overturned just because of that one statement? I guess that is what I really meant at the rally.
I would like to hear what you think about this, and the last thing I would want to do is block out an unheard argument...

Toby: There have been countless of very smart scholars that have translated the Bible to what it is now. I have never heard of the Vulgate and so I dont know of its credibility(theres alot of "books" out there that are "supposedly" inspired by God) All i know is that as a christian i believe everything that the Bible says, word for word. If the Bible says homosexuals, then it means homosexuals. If it meant something else, the scholars over the centuries would have translated it into something else. God created Adam and Eve, man and women. Do you know that humans are the only species that have intercourse looking at each other? I think its for a reason. God made us different than the animals and any other kind of species. This is why homosexuality is so inhuman, it perverts and twists that which God intended to be between a man and women, face to face, not like the animals do.

Me: I understand where you are coming from, but what if those scholars who have translated the bible from god's words have a prejudice towards or against certain people. The bible has been passed through so many hands, how can we fully understand whether or not those who made it knew what god was trying to say?

Also, There are many, many details in the bible, which can be seen and interpreted in many, many ways. Whether we actually notice ourselves doing it or not, we are listening to some parts of the bible more than others. For some, the bible is an excuse to personal prejudices. You can believe what you want, but I just encourage you to try to understand the difference between when you are saying something which is driven by your personal opinion and when you are truly and fully convinced by the text of the bible and nothing outside of it.

My question is, in a world where no bible exists, and there is nobody telling you what to believe, would you still say the same that homosexuality is bad?

Also, I disagree with your comment about humans being the only species which face each other. Why is it that everyone always focuses on this instead of the relationship between two people. I mean, sexual pleasure is most definitely not the most important part of relationships.

Despite what I say, you have any and all right to express your opinion on this subject, as do I. I just please ask you, don't use the bible as a scapegoat to hide your personal opinions.

Toby: Well the men who translated the Bible did not write it in their own words. The Bible is inspired by God. Godtold the men what to write. So if you think there is prejudice in the Bible then you can have that talk with God someday.

I have no personal opinon on homosexality. The Bible is my opinion. Whatever the bible says i believe that is what being a christian is. As a christian I believe every single word in that book so if it says that, "homosexuals will not enter the kingdom of heaven," then homosexuals will not go to heaven, simply put. There is no way around it. If you call yourself a christian then you must believe everything the bible says. THAT IS WHAT YOUR FAITH AND BELIEF IS BASED UPON! You cannot take a shortcut. The bible warns against those who add to the Bible. "I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God shall add to him the plagues which are written in this book."(Revelation 22:18).

To answer your question what if there is a world with no bible. Why would i want to imagine that! The Bible is my life. I have been lost and now found, blind and now see. To say such a thing is foolish and just absurd.

Homosexuality is a sin like every other sin. A homosexual can become a christian but that person must stop being a homosexual. A christian puts off the old man and puts on the new. Now that doesnt mean that christians dont sin. Quite the contrary. When christians do sin, we repent of it and dont do the same sin over and over. So when a homosexual calls himself a christian, he is a pure heretic and will go to hell!

All Im trying to say is that if you call yourself a christian, then you really need to examine yourself and ask yourself if you truly are God's child. Cuz what you are saying is pure heresy. I know it sounds mean but how can you not believe in the Bible when it is right infront of you and say you believe in God who you cannot see?

Ever wonder why the Song of Solomon is in the Bible? The Song of Solomon shows the holy sacrament of marriage between a man and a woman. And believe me there is sexual talk in that book. But it was put there for a reason. To show the holy union between a man and a woman.

I hope i didnt affend you in anyway. But saying the things you are saying and calling yourself a christian is something i take serious offense to and needs to be pointed out. Theres alot of people who say that they are christians and walk a wicked and perverted life. Lets hope and pray that that is not your life.

The bible is a novel. Religion is an idea. And some people in this world have their heads in the clouds. Have your own faith. I have faith in love and happiness. Even the bible says that god's love is everlasting. I believe love for one another is what will bring us together. Love and recognition will save us from ourselves.