Friday, June 01, 2007

Life in jail.

seriously, what is it? Why do we keep on throwing people in jail?

I guess we need someone to blame. Just finished reading an article about two pilots who accidentally clipped a 737 on their landing. Their plane made an emergency landing and landed safely, but the 737 crashed, killing the 154 people on board. So, yes, this is terrible. 154 people shouldn't have died that day. But still, we shouldn't be putting all the blame the ones who actually caused the accident. It was an accident; It was their fault, but throwing them in jail isn't fixing anything. It is like throwing 2 innocent people into jail. Yes, they made mistakes, but don't we all? These people could have been any of us. We all make mistakes; we all are capable of creating such a disaster, but are usually lucky.

As a lady who I met from prison a few years ago said, they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. That's all it takes to get a life in prison.

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