Thursday, July 19, 2007

hmmm....the protocols of zion. HMMM. Absolutely terrible. Well, the movie is good. So apparently, there are people out there who believe that on 9/11, when the world trade centers fell, 4000 jews didn't show up to their work at the WTC. Wow. Could people be more obsessive. People try to find a reason for everything, a cover-up for everything, even if it does not exist. I know over 3,000 people died. I know people are frustrated and want someone who they can personally take revenge on. I know many people are grown up with the idea that "jews are bad" cemented into their brain. But there is really no one group of people to blame for 9/11.

Speaking of embarassing...look at this race. The world-class runners were on track to getting very, very good times, but the officials lost track of the number of laps! A tragedy only a runner can truly understand.

And don't forget

to wear sunscreen


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