Monday, February 23, 2009

We can tell the weather, right? It's all about making estimates about where parcels of air will be and how they collide. But there is a lot of uncertainty about it. What if we could examine each tiny particle in the air and know how that particle is going to react with every other particle? If we can look infinitely close, we can then in turn make an infinitely perfect prediction of the weather.

We are all made of particles, though. Our whole universe is made of particles.

Now I am more confident in answering the question "do we have a destiny?". Why, yes we do. If we look infinitely close at every particle in our body and know perfectly well how those particles react with everything else in the world, then we will know everything in our future.

We might never be able to look this close, but at least we know we can. We know we have a set future even if we don't know what that future will be.


Claire said...

we'd have to look at every single particle in the world for that to happen, and some of those we can't get to (what if a volcanic eruption is about to happen and change your "destiny"), since things that happen to us aren't only from our body, but also from tons of third parties. and would we be able to predict a chain of events that could affect us? would we be able to know that a cloud particle would react with air and then produce a wind which would later produce a tornado which would later hit a house whose particles would react badly, and then a piece of the house would fly off and react with wind to change direction and then hit us so we lose an arm or something. there are so many factors involved in all of those steps, that it's basically impossible to predict everything. and besides, we'll know that everything is going towards disorder because the universe LOVES ENTROPY.

i know i don't capitalize my sentences. haha it's a think i started a while ago; one of my close friends did it and i realized it saved time (if only a tiny bit).

p.s. treehouses RULE. i'm building one at my camp this summer hopefully but shhh it's a secret.

p.p.s. check out my new blaawg. it's actually mostly non-personal and more conversational, unlike livejournal. but livejournal still exists! you get double updates if you want now! yesss!

sorry for the massive comment.

Mike said...

haha, that comment was longer than the original post. Tis a good thing.

But, yeah, I was trying to say that if we understood what everything is doing and how everything will react with everything else (something that is impossible to do), then we know that the future of anything can be determined by analyzing every tiny interaction. (to extend it further, I am saying that the "choices" that our brain makes are not necessarily our own choices but rather the consequence of predictable reactions that we do not understand yet). I agree it may be impossible to predict everything, but at least we know that it can be possible, therefore we have set futures even though we may not be able to figure them out.

Sweet! Double updates! I'm excited.

Claire said...

hehe super super! yeah, sorry about that stupid blog. the comments have been giving me a lot of trouble >:O

Claire said...

p.s. it should work shouldn't even have a word verification