Sunday, December 26, 2010

Sometimes you just have to let go.

I wish I could understand every single aspect of my life, including the ones I have never lived without.

I wish I could describe perfectly who I am and what I want to be and understand where I am going.

I wish we could look into matter infinitely so and prove that our fate is set.

I wish I could understand what religion's motives are. I can't understand God's will by listening to my pastor. That's my pastor's interpretation of God's will. I can only understand god through prayer. And how do I know that what I am "understanding" is not really my own thoughts reflecting back into my consciousness?

I wish I could talk with even the most hostile and allow us to share views peacefully.

I wish I knew if time exists everywhere. If time exists forever, then our lifetime is an infinitely small flash. With the same argument, if you step out of time, you will exist for all eternity. In a similar way, if space exists forever, then, compared to the whole, any amount of matter that we can think of is infinitely-impossibly small.

To search for any meaning here would mean answering some of these questions.

Any ideas?


ereed28 said...

I think I understand where you are coming from. :) But its just what im interpreting of what youre saying.

This is a Blog said...

If all of your questions were answered, then where would you be left? It's a nice thought understanding things fully...but it seems that there is a reason as to why we don't have the answers to those questions.