Sunday, November 12, 2006

see, I'm not the man I used to be lately


You know, my pictures look much better when you're holding the actual thing in your hand. I mean, I used like pretty high-tech stuff for scanning it in, so there isn't really any quality loss, but it's just a lot more satisfying holding the actual thing in your hand than looking at a small version of it on the screen.

Sooo....lately....PA....traveling much...not much else

So, yes, xc=over. Quite sad. I think I already discussed in my last post, though.

Other than that, you know, the norm.

I've been beginning to think about government a lot. You know, we are all on a stupid island like those little kids in The Lord of the Flies. Stupid government. I mean, think about it. Henry David Thoureau wanted to live alone and not become part of any organization or society, yet he was thrown into jail by the town officials for not paying his taxes. Even though he didn't get anything from the government, the government still forced him to give them money.
You can't opt out. What if I said, "I don't want to be part of the United States of America" and "I just want to live on my own". Well, too bad. You can't. You're outvoted. You're outnumbered. And so, you're ostracized and attacked for something you just didn't want to be a part of, just like poor Piggy and Ralph were. So, basically, government is stupid (at times) and doesn't give you any choice.
Of course, an equally strong argument could be made in support of government. This is just one side of the story.

hope y'all enjoyed my new photography.

1 comment:

Victoria said...

Oh that's a good point. You really can't just...get out of it. Because anywhere you go, there's gonna be obligations. How rough. I suppose one could run off to the jungle, but then having done so, one would have to leave one's family and life. Yeuck.