Sunday, February 04, 2007

a lot of links

Ok, so I really have other things to do right now, but whatevs

I just found a very cool google earth-like website on "Flickr" in which you can search locations and click on photos to see like actual pictures of that location. This really cool map can be found here. Pretty sweet.

Then, this week, Fall Out Boy came out with their (in my opinion) best album yet. (a review of it can be found here. It mixes up the good parts of their old albums, a kind of heavy light rock with a slight mix of emo at times. Overall, the masterful lyrics add meaning to each of the songs...making each one tell a story and create a mood. You can listen to streaming music for their new cd here. Also, I have recently discovered an amazing song..."Love is all I Need" by Kristian Leontiou. It has an amazing piano background...and any song with an amazing piano background is a good song.

Finally (last link, I promise), I found pretty funny title to an article on Quite interesting. People should proofread their article before they submit it to be published...

Recently, I have been wondering about racism and all the other bad "ism's" which are out there. The real root of racism, like it or not, is the idea that people's physical characteristics and culture are different from one another. So, basically, I wonder whether there was racism in ancient times...because everyone was probably the same, if not at least more similar to each other than in today's world. Nobody back then had an efficient way to transport themselves from place to place, therefore minimizing the mix in culture and/or skin color. Once mass migration and the spreading of different religions began to become widespread, diversity in every country grew to be very large. Believe it or not, our expanding world was one of the key factors in supporting racism.

Ok, that's enough philosophical(ish) thinking for today. SO...

recently, I got my hair cut!!! I can finally wake up without having to get a shower to look nice. (Maybe) I shall grow it out again till the summer or beyond. We shall see.

Other than that, nothing much...thesis is making my life like torture. I overreact sometimes.

I went on the ski trip to Stowe last weekend, which was sweet. Many people go on that trip to get high 24/7, and I think I saw some of that, cause 2 kids got sent home for doing pot. And then the other entertaining thing were the three kids who mysteriously disappeared into the woods, and when I asked them later where they had gone, they all laughed and didn't tell me. But, other than that, I love to do high-risk skiing. On one run, I was going down so fast that I had a hard time keeping myself on the ground on one of the steep parts. It was like skydiving with skis. It was sugary sweet.

ohhh...this week. Funny things happened...but, hey! The most effective way to get into somebody's mind about something that you disagree about is by not doing anything. The more you can make them question their actions, the more likely they will start to understand your side of the argument. Then, once they begin questioning their part of the argument, you argue your point and catch them off-guard. If you got that last part, good for you! Sometimes I even have a hard time understanding myself.

So, not much else. It is now time for me to work on my Junior Thesis, my homework, then looking forward to going skating on the Charles River tomorrow!


Why are we obsessing so much over Anna Nicole Smith's death? A few days ago, a man I knew who was much stronger and had much more personality than the greatest movie stars passed away. Why should the whole world be mourning the death of an actress when the only way my friend could get a suit for his open-casket wake was from a donation by my parents?

This world confuses me sometimes. People view things out of proportion.

1 comment:

Claire said...

I read this a few days ago but I couldn't think of anything to say and I still can't but I'm feeling sort of happy and I just want to say happy vacation!

Anyways, au revoir.