Tuesday, August 22, 2006

I'll punch my computer if you don't read this

Again, my grandparents house
not that exciting this time
So, yes, I felt the sudden urge to punch my computer, but I didn't. I don't even know why. Hmmmm....anger control..... Just, like, frustrated with life in general these days. Maybe because I can't change life, I try to see how much damage and change I can make in this world. I don't know. Just a thought.
I've been addicted to this song all week. "How to Save a Life" by The Fray. Amazing lyrics, and, with all songs that top my list, has lyrics that I can connect with my life somehow. Maybe I just think too much.
Quite an uneventful week.
Biked to the Farmer's market today with my sister...twas fun.
(warning, Michael's random thinking coming up)
It's funny. How people have been riding on the wave of people's emotions and needs. That might not make that much sense, and so might this next paragraph, but take, for example, the Pope. Not to single out one person over another, but how can he tie religion and monetary gain so closely together? How does he know what he says he believes? Has he ever seen what happens after we die? What I'm trying to say is that we shouldn't trust anyone to tell us what to believe. Aren't we just as able to make decisions about what to believe as he is? You see, what if Jesus wasn't the son of god, if he was just a person. Just a person trying to better his world. Part of religion is believing that we go somewhere in the afterlife, but he taught us that there are certain things that we must do to get there. It is the perfect formula, even if he had no idea where we go after this life, to better this world. (and, actually, just before his birth, the world was pretty chaotic and violent) Anybody could use this leverage, the leverage that they know more than you do, and make you do something for a different cause than you thought. (After all, look at George Bush. He said he knew for sure there were weapons of Mass destruction in Iraq, in order to get the people's push toward war)
I have no idea what I just said, so if you don't either, then that makes two of us.
Time to go to beeeedddddddd

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