Saturday, February 10, 2007


Ok, so I know it's 10:00 on a Tuesday morning and I should be sleeping, but that's beside the point.

Sooo...nothing really new going on. Vacation is absolutely wonderful, and I am so happy that it's here. Now, the next step is the SUMMER, but I've got a ways to go before I get there. I've got finals, AP's, the SAT's, and all that jazz. In a way, the end of the year is the hardest time.

But, in other news, I am so amazingly happy that I got my junior thesis finally done. I managed to pick the most boring topic that was possible, the start of the United States' Banking System. There were so many other options, which would have actually made my junior thesis ENJOYABLE, but unfortunately, I didn't realize how boring the banking system actually was.

Hmmm...I just clicked on something and I'm not totally sure what it just did...something about freeing up disk space. Hmm.. : /

On Saturday, I went skiing at the most amazing place evar...Mt Sunapee. It wasn't too terribly huge (actually small compared to Stowe), but it was like amazing. It's quite entertaining cause everyone I know who knows how to ski or snowboard is going skiing or snowboarding over vacation. But, hannyways.. I'm going to Killington later this week, which will be sweet.

I've had waay too much time on my hands lately, and I've started to make a picture website thingy. Check it out. But, yeah, I really need to do something more productive...

But, yeah, I should be getting back to my bio lab, which I have yet to start. (btw, my previous bio labs were 4500+ words, whereas the thesis was 3300, and I usually do the bio labs in one night...crazy, crazy)



Claire said...

great procrastination tool.


Claire said...

omg. we should be penpals when I'm at camp. 8 weeks without men....hahaha. I'm sure that just sounded odd to you.

Claire said...

Haha I leave from ummmm like the day after school ends pretty much (like the 25th of june or something) to like mid august (like the 15th ish?) yeah. Long time!!!

woooot. are you doing anything this summer?