Thursday, December 07, 2006


"The Hand"
(Background- Avalon, NJ)

Yep, yep, it worked pretty well. At least better than I thought. I took a few pointless pictures of my hand, none of which I ever had any intent on printing out. But, yeah, pretty much when I started this photo, I was thinking...hhmmmm...I think I should find a photo with a lot of open space, so I can put something in there that doesn't belong. And, so it went on to this. Pretty cool. Oh, and the teacher showed his photo major students, and they were all like, woah, that is really cool. Only having finished Photo Minor I, this was a pretty good compliment, so it pretty much made my day.

But, yeah, I ran my second track workout of the season today. Surprising how hard it was, even though it should have been pretty easy. Ah, well. It was the first time which running actually gave me a headache. But, yeah, track has been going fairly well. I'm so out of shape, and am failing miserable at walking up and down stairs due to my sore muscles (or at least I was like that the other day). I'm beginning to get back into shape, though.

But, yeah, about that singer called eminem. I hate him. Absolutely hate his ideas. Arguing for freedom of speech, although the words that he uses are targeting others, and could even in some case be considered a threat. See, the thing is, one has freedom of speech as long as they are not violating other's rights. I think this should be a violation of other's rights.
He's so obnoxious. I hate how everyone likes him for his words. Yet, in a way, I like some of his music. I absolutely hate every aspect of his music in which he uses derogitory terms, or targets people, but he tries to get the people that were disgusted with his words back by saying what a bad situation he is in. In some songs, he seems torn between rapping and spending time with his family. But, you know what? Even these songs are forcing him to spend more time rapping and less time with his family.

I dislike this person very much. He thinks way too much about his life.

So, yes, pretty much totally missed National Hug Day the other day. Oh, well. Not that it matters.

I was thinking about new stuff for the internet. Pretty random, but wouldn't it be awesome if you could back up your whole computer onto the internet and access it from anywhere? I mean, it could work like on-line email. Basically store massive amounts of stuff in an account at some headquarters somewhere, and share it through either some program that is easily downloadable onto every computer, or just share it right through your web browser. Now, that would be pretty cool, and it would have kind of a double-function because it backs up your whole computer in case your computer crashes or something, and in addition, it provides remote access to any file on your computer (I actually thought of this idea because I forgot to email myself this school assignment, and it was just like sooo annoying)

So, basically, that would be a pretty good idea.

And, so, lesson of the day: Each little event in life is like one stroke of a paintbrush. I'm painting my masterpiece.

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