Saturday, April 08, 2006

*insert random title*

ssooooo bored...

'twas one of those days where I felt like doing many things, but my mind doesn't allow me to do so. The hours seemed like they were melting off the clock, slowly but surely, and every hour that was gone was a missed opportunity that I could have taken advantage of. Maybe I should start running again. I mean, xc is right around the bend. It's never too early to start training. Plus, running makes me feel soo good, not only because it gets me in such good shape, but also because there's something about it that makes you think that you've accomplished a great deed by running 7 miles. Maybe it'll make me think that I actually did something on days like these that seem to be a waste.

Saturday night alone.
Stupid movies are no cure.
seems like my life. I haven't even freaking gone out with *my* friends on a Saturday several years. It's sad. I don't really care, though, until people begin talking about their Saturday night experiences and only then do I realize what I'm missing. Ah's all good. I'll be fine.

On another note, I can't wait for either April Vaca or, even better, the SUMMER. No more school work, no more problems... just running, nature, music, computer, and tv (in that order). Plus, during both, I'm doin wicked awesome stuff. (I could list it, but that would be quite a long list =))

SOOOO, it all basically boils down to school and homework are creating all the problems in my life (which isn't true, but I'll say it is).

better get some (early) sleep now...


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