Tuesday, May 23, 2006

As promised...

(my sister)

I'm rapidly improving from my sickness that I attained a few days ago. I can actually think now. Had MCAS today. Mad easy. They made it like so the lowest curriculum level had a really good chance at passing, so for me, in curriculum I, it was really easy. Like order of operations easy. Then I had way too much time afterwards. Everyone else brought a book except for me. And, yeah, while killing time, I made up this quote and now am determined to write it on every desk that I sit at.

"The mind is a book worth a million pages"

I'm such a loser. Oh well, at least I'm an intelligent loser.

But, yeah, my stupid chem (SAT II prep) class was so freaking boring. Sat around thinking about how much I'm gonna fail this test. Whatevs. I am only limited by the invisible barriers my mind sets. But still, I'm screwed. "520" was my score on one of the "practice" tests. Whatever. Someone drew a really crazy good picture of Einstein on the board, and that was pretty much the highlight of the last five hours of my life.

Soooo... more MCAS tomorrow...sister graduating in like a few days...summer in like a few weeks...sister goes to college in like a few months...I'm headed off there in a few years.

Wow, how time flies.


1 comment:

Victoria said...

Hah, yeah, your quotation is sorta silly. My best friend once said something about "my friends are my universe, and my world has never looked so big." But btw: I totally love the photography, as well as the coin one which is VERY cool. Share more!