Monday, June 26, 2006

My grandparents' house
soo cool
and soo confusing

So I'm off to a youth group trip on Monday. That shall be quite to Staten Island...pretty coolio. Not totally sure what to expect, since the details are a little fuzzy, but whatever happens, it'll be a good experience.
In other news, I decided to go biking today. When I say biking, I mean BIKING. I spent the whole day biking into Boston, then around Boston, had some lunch, explored, then finally back home. Pretty much about 25 miles in total....COOLIO. My legs were a bit fatigued afterward. I like collapsed on my couch, but then went out to play a little volleyball later. What can I say? I just have endless energy. In any case, I try to never admit that I'm tired (even if I am).
So, yes, my right toe has officially worn through the bottom of my shoe. Very odd happening, seeing that I like just got these shoes, and the left one seems just fine. Hmmmmm....maybe I walk crooked.(?)
Just finished Rent. Such a good movie. Closest I've come to crying in a while (yes, I do [sometimes] cry from movies). It's those movies when you feel like you have some connection to that make them seem so good.
Songs are much coooooler, though. To be able to move somebody through lyrics and notes takes more skills than inveloping someone in the plot of a movie. Now I'm like obsessed with the song "Crazy", by Gnarls Barkley. Such good use of instruments, plus some interesting lyrics.
But, yeah, that pretty much wraps it up here. Such a boring (and amazingly unplanned) week to come. Maybe I can fill it with the things I've always waited to do. We'll see.

1 comment:

Victoria said...

1) I love that picture, it reminds me of my grandparents house in Boston.
2) I love Boston.
3) I'm so glad I made you happy! I love smiles.
4) Sorry 'bout your rough final....I've had that issue before. (Though since I did super well this year and I was a senior, I only had one final.)
5) I'm just like, really really really really happy right now. I had some ice cream and I'm just REALLY happy. *hugs*! I think I'm going to bounce! I'm like a bubble! Multicolored and floaty and beautiful. Butterflies. :)