Wednesday, August 29, 2007

So, yeah. Summer's ending. And with it the relaxation and happiness that it brings. It seems that no matter how bored I am, it is even hard to sit down and focus on my college applications. Not that they're super-exciting.

So, yeah. One more week of relative relaxation. Then school takes over my life. Why do we even spend 1/4 of our lives learning how to live a better life? I guess school is necessary for other reasons, too.

So, yes. I have so much more left to say. But I will refrain from telling it to people I don't know.

k,peace out. It'll probably be a long, long time before I post here again.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

The Rich

Ok, so communism sucks. We all know that. But what we really need is a balance between communism and what we have now. We can't have this social divide in our country. Some have so much money they will never need to work again while others have so little money working double shifts on three different jobs won't pay the bills. So, basically..we need to get the money in our economy out of the hands of the rich. Taxes do this, but even they aren't enough. We need to get money out of the hands of the rich and into the hands of the poor.

But really the only problem that we will have to face sometime is overpopulation. With less people, there will be more of everything. There will be more to survive on.

Just a thought I had late at night.