Thursday, March 15, 2007

I don't know

So. This week has been very terribly amazingly uneventful. It started out warm, and got up to 70 yesterday. But, amazingly enough, it's gonna snow like 8 inches tomorrow. It is like a mix of perfect warmth then a perfect winter snowstorm in the same week! Amazing.

But other than that, everything has been pretty much status quo. I am trying to run every day in an attempt to get in shape for the outdoor season. If it weren't for my stupid knee (which only hurts when I am sitting down), I would be out there with my friends doing 400's...but I'm not sure if I can handle that. Especially because they're like crazy sprinters (since when is Nasko a good sprinterr???) who do like 64 second 400 repeats. I wouldn't be able to keep up. Especially since I am a distance runner.

But, yeah. I use the term "yeah" way too much and can't stop. wow. But, yeah (there I go again), I shall continue with my training till mondayy when the actual season startss...I am sooo pumped.

But, yeah. Lately...

I have decided that arguing is pointless. After an argument starts, we are more focused on beating the other person's argument rather than convincing them of our own. The most efficient argument is not one which criticizes the opponents views, but instead one which ignores the opponents views all together and focuses on strengthening your own point of view.

Ok, if you followed that, good for you.

One little scary thing which I found this week is the yellowpages mapping function. From here, fill out a form to map a place, click "Get map", and switch to the "birds eye" view. Those are some pretty high-quality pictures with which you can zoom in like incredibly.

Ok, this post has been all over the place. I don't know what else to write. So I'll end with a quote.

"We sometimes know what we don’t know, but we always don’t know what we know. "



oh, ps, it is amazing how sad it is that I still have my Christmas tree set up. We have it outside our living room window this year, due to allergies, and have been way too lazy to take it down. Quite sad. Although it is cheery to get a hint of Christmas every once in a while.

1 comment:

Claire said...

your pictures don't work.


I have more to say but later...I'm tired.