Thursday, March 08, 2007

This week has been crazy

The week has been crazy. Pretty much. From labs to tests to worrying about the SAT, I haven't gotten to bed before 11:00 at all this week, which is pretty bad for me.

*stops writing for like 3 days* came back from the Winter Athletics Varsity Awards ceremony. It was quite sweet, except they nearly forgot to call my name. There were about 20-25 kids there for indoor. I just kept on waiting, thinking they would come back to me at the end. Luckily, I got someone's attention, and they realized that I had been called yet. Oh well. Varsity letter=sweet. If I do 2 varsity sports next year (which I am), then I am going to get a special award thingy for getting 7 varsity letters. Cool, cool.

But, yeah. The last few days have been like the rest of the week, in that I've been going to be at about 11:30 every night. But, last night, I actually didn't have a terrible amount of homework, so I tried to go to bed early. But, unfortunately, I failed miserably 'cause I was so used to going to bed late. So, yeah...sitting in bed thinking...

Pretty much..I wondered why I could think that I was thinking about me thinking, or just people's existence overall. I can understand how a human body works, consisting of thousands of cells all working in unison, but I couldn't grasp the idea of the conscious. I mean, how do we know that we exist? We are really just many thousands of little creatures (cells), but are they what create the conscious? How can the existence of something so seamless and intangible as the mind be defined in terms of biology and neuroscience? (in a way, it's actually terrifying to think if we would exist if we did not have the sense of touching, tasting, smell, hearing, or seeing. We would be a prisoner of our own minds, ignorant of the real world.)

But yeah...moving on...If thousands of cells working together can create a creature intelligent enough to think and know of its own existence, then what about the thousands of humans on this world? Do we create some sort of larger being? In a way, today's society does create a living creature, from growing, to having ups and downs to getting sick and getting healthy again. A bit odd to think about.

Ok. Now that I have that out of my system.

I recently found a cartoon thingy (look below) which really struck me in some way.
I'm not really sure why I like it so much. Just sort of heartwarming.

But, yeah, I should get off to some bio studying or something like that.



Claire said...

Awwwww it's so cute. It sort of makes me sad in a strange, nostalgic way I guess.

Claire said...

being ignorant would assume that you don't know you're a prisoner in your own mind and therefore it's not frightening or entrapment.

Yeah, I was writing a book but I don't know where it is on my computer and also I obviously haven't had the time to even think about it.
But don't worry...I have titles picked out *top secret*

I'm trying not to hold on to painful situations from the past especially but sometime they just take so long to heal that they're always there to think about. I had a fucked up start to junior year and I'm still trying to get over it in some sense. Time heals all wounds, they say.

I do have a lot to write about. I kind of want to make a book of poetry. I love poetry and I love my poetry, I don't want to sound snobby or gloating, but it makes me happy when I have an idea to turn it into something really eloquent and beautiful. I wish I could do that with myself in a sense.

soooo, my classes:
ap latin 4
ap psychology
ap calculus (don't know which one yet/ ab or bc)
half year honors english
creative writing second semester
economics (with CHO!)
Ap Chemistry
probably lifeguard aide thing and then PEIS for gyms.

....I just thought about the cliff. I want to go there again and sit there and fall asleep or something. it's so peaceful and nice....we should def. take a hike up there one day. Esp. since you have traaaansportation!! aka i don't have to bike/walk all the way there.


Claire said...

Oh and don't feel bad for me. I guess I'm fine. I just need to rant to someone I guess. In like a weird way. not really ranting as getting their opinion on things and so I'm not caught up in my own inner arguments where obv. all the different opinions clash and I can't figure out which I should believe. two sides are always better than one I guess. WRiting is just my way to escape some kind of surreal world i have set up for myself sometimes.